Control Methods

Trapping Animal Pests - M&P Vertebrate Pest Control Australia


M&P Vertebrate Pest Control specialises in the human use of cage and soft jaw traps which is highly effective in selected areas. Our team also implement the latest technology in remote trapping techniques for all feral animal species. Speak with our team today about what trapping solutions we can offer for your circumstance.

Baiting Animal Pests - M&P Vertebrate Pest Control Australia


M&P Vertebrate Pest Control provides baiting services to help mitigate pest animals.

Before requesting baiting service, the landowner or manager must contact M&P Vertebrate Pest Control to discuss the location, pest problem, management history, and what other control options have been tested (e.g., fencing, shooting, trapping) to determine if baiting is an appropriate control method for the situation.

All baiting programs are recorded and follow government regulations and guidelines.

Shooting Program for Animal Pests - M&P Vertebrate Pest Control Australia

Shooting Programs

M&P Vertebrate Pest Control also specialise in control shooting programs. All shooting programs are subject to the highest level of safety and quality control and firearms are handled only by licensed and insured professionals.

Firearm type is proportional to the targeted feral animal species. We also operate high-end thermal scopes. This technology has proven to be extremely successful for pest species in located in difficult environments.

Complete Vertebrate Pest Control Management

Removing pest animals from property with sustainability and environment in mind.