Cattle/Sheep Stations

Pest Animal Management For Cattle/Sheep Stations

Invasive pest animals have significant impacts on Australia’s primary industries, natural ecosystems, and human and animal health and are one of the main threats to biodiversity in Australia today.

The presence of invasive pest animals on or adjoining farmland may cause lost agricultural production through:

  • predation on livestock
  • grazing on crops and pastures
  • spreading weeds
  • contributing to erosion
  • land and water degradation

Since the late 1800s, more than 50 animal species have been introduced to Australia and many are now considered invasive animals.

These species have a huge impact on agriculture, the environment and communities. Not only do they cost the agricultural industry hundreds of millions of dollars every year through production losses and control costs, they are also a major driver of species extinction with hundreds of native species at risk and ecological communities threatened.

The species of greatest concern to cattle, sheep, lamb and farmed goat production are feral deer, feral goats, feral pigs, foxes, rabbits and feral dogs.

When assessing property, we identify the impacts and risks, apply state-of-the-art monitoring techniques, and implement animal control and management actions.

Our proven control methods include trapping and shooting pest animals in Australian quarries and mine sites.

M&P Vertebrate Pest Control works with Australian sheep and cattle stations nationwide. To request an on-site consultation and assessment, please don’t hesitate to contact us online today.