
Pest Control Services for Deer in Australia

M&P Vertebrate Pest Control provides monitoring and controlled methods of removing Feral Deer.

Deer are fast becoming Australia’s worst emerging pest animal problem, causing damage to the natural environment and agricultural businesses. Feral deer are a widespread and destructive agricultural pest that cause significant environmental and financial damage. Feral deer are a declared pest animal in WA, SA, NT, ACT and Queensland. Populations are expanding and deer are invading new areas, many due to deliberate introductions by recreational hunters.

Feral deer can affect livestock enterprises as they compete for pasture with grazing animals, damage farm infrastructure and the environment and can be potential carriers of livestock diseases, such as foot and mouth.

What Are Feral Deer?

Deer were introduced as a game animal in the mid-1880s and numbers remained relatively low for decades until significant population growth and range expansion became noticeable in the 1980s, exacerbated by the release of deer following the collapse of the deer farming industry.

Deer graze and browse in cereal crops, orchards, vineyards, market gardens, pastures, and plantations and destroy fences and nets. This is having a serious impact on the economic viability of agriculture and potentially forestry in places. Even more serious is the potential of deer to transfer disease to livestock and potentially humans and other animals.

Feral deer are transforming the countries native ecosystems. As well as competing with native animals, degrading waterways and spreading weeds, serious damage is being caused to very sensitive ecosystems such as alpine bogs, rainforest and coastal areas.

Quick Facts

Experienced Team of Vertebrate Pest Control Specialists

Looking to get rid of Feral Deer from your property? Speak with our pest control experts about on-site surveillance, Feral Deer traps, eradication program and relocation services. Our experienced team can help with the removal of Feral Deer nationwide and service both rural and suburban areas across Australia. Request a free quote online today and our team will be in contact with you as soon as possible to discuss a solution.